My Business And Guides

Entrepreneurs and Business Success Guides,Affiliate Marketing guides, Business News

Sunday 27 May 2018


Over the years, i sourced for ways to make money online after quitting my job to take care of my young family. I really wanted to get something doing no matter how little. So i surfed the internet for jobs for stay at home moms. I came across survey sites and participated in online surveys, i freelanced, clicked ads, solved captchas online, reviewed books online and more.. To find out about this sites, Read: How am making money online.

One day, i came across an online post discussing how i can make money blogging. I neglected blogging all those years because i thought i cannot do it with a computer system. But that day, i discovered i can create my own blog with just my phone.

I discovered i can write about things i love and also discovered that blogging is actually the king when it comes to making good money online. I started my blog with Blogger because i have no money to host a domain. Read How to create a free blog in 2 mins and be your own boss

And with no computer, nor the means of getting one, i started my blog with my phone. I read so many articles about blogging,i learned and still learning.


My primary aim of creating My Business Guides is to make money online. I choose that name because i decided to make my blog my own Business and also enjoy discussing business and entrepreneurial success path and guides. Blogging also gave me the opportunity to do what i love which is writing and researching. Blogging have also given me the opportunity to express myself and relate to my audience and sometimes i challenge myself into trying something new.


1. One thing you should have before going into blogging is the passion. Believe me, without having passion for it, you can never succeed. Blogging is tiring and sometimes boring. You spend days thinking of the best topic to write about. The passion is what keep you hanging.

2. You should be ready to learn new things. Everyday/time i spent blogging,i learn new things. Even the pros don't know it all.

3. Have a good phone or a computer system.I actually started and updated my blog with just my phone for almost 2 years. So don't wait till you can afford a computer system to start.

4. Patient: To suceed, you should have enough patients. I waited and wrote for almost 2 years before adsense approved my account.


1.  Blogging is very challenging and we       need challenges to suceed.

Blogging is very challenging, anyone who thinks otherwise has not tried it. You sit down and write consistently. You put your ideas out there. Sometimes, it may seem frightening, but embracing our fears and overcoming it makes us strong.

2.  You learn new things.

Learning is an everyday thing. When we learn, we grow and feel fulfilled. Blogging provide a lot of learning experiences. You learn how to write eye catchy posts, Seo and learn how to promote your post. Doing all this bring a sense of self worth and accomplishment.

3.  You impact on other peoples lives.

Everything you write about or have to say always have great impact on people even without you knowing it. I can't forget the feeling i had when someone first  commented about the good job i did writing a post. It actually gave me more encouragement.

4.  Become a pro at writing and blogging

When you blog,you develop your thoughts and ideas around a particular topic. You learn new things in the area/niche. Consistent practise often lead to professionalism in the field.

5.  Build an online authority.

When you blog, you display your knowledge and people with time will discover and recognise you. When i started my blog on business and entrepreneurial guide, i never knew i will gain so much more knowledge in the field. Now people call to ask questions about their businesses and career guides.

6.  Become a pro doing what you love.

In blogging,everyday is open to new ideas. You explore new areas and techniques. You compete within yourself and you diversify in the area. You meet like minded people  and have the opportunity to explore new career.

 Create your own blog today and build an online presense for yourself.

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  1. good post .....
    for starting a BLOG SIYE.
    thank you!

  2. thanks a lot for the writer. The blog really helped me a lot for starting my own business and now i am owner of my own blog. Thank you

  3. Thank for sharing.It's very helpful

  4. this is very very useful.thank you

  5. baijanti shrestha1 June 2018 at 04:56

    blog helps us in earning too and want to learn more

  6. very useful, i want to learn this.

  7. very inspiring thanks again

  8. Blogging is one of the best ways to communicate on large scale which also helps you earn! Nice one.

  9. Very useful article thanks alot

  10. article is very interesting. thanks.

  11. great to learn blogging with phone!!!
    useful article

  12. I definitely agree that blogging opens doors of opportunities in doing homebased jobs. In starting a blog, passion spells everything because without it, one can never succeed.

  13. This is very useful.thanks for sharing this.

  14. it is very useful thanks for share this information

  15. Phone System

  16. Its very intresting article

  17. it' will help me to start business ...thanks for nice guide

  18. Dilan Ramanayaka5 June 2018 at 04:30

    Wow. I didn't know that we can use mobile for blogging.

  19. wow thats a lot of help from you thanks

  20. inspired,,i fear creating one but with this i now learnt something new
